Sage Foundation and Colour Accounting : Introduction to Accounting and Financial Statements for Non Profits

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Colour Accounting is a learning approach that makes accounting simple, delivering real Organisational Financial Literacy quickly and effectively by approaching the subject visually.

This free 90-minute seminar will help you to understand the mechanics of accounting and the structure of financial information, bringing the language of accounting to life with logical and intuitive examples. Whether you already know these concepts or are just getting started, you'll learn how to better communicate financial concepts to trustees and staff, enabling them to understand the finance function within your organisation and how it directly relates to your mission.

Specifically you will learn:

  • The key accounting categories of Assets, Liabilities, Net Funds (Equity), Income and Expenses
  • What is on a Balance Sheet and why it balances
  • What is in the Statement of Financial Activity (SOFA) and how it links to the Balance Sheet
  • Why income and cash are two different things (and therefore what accruals accounting is)
  • How to look at key financial reports

And all of this will be achieved in an interactive and engaging format, enabling you to build a holistic understanding of how financial information tells the story of an organisation’s performance to stakeholders.

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Via Zoom®
Mon 12th Apr 2021
2:00pm BST
90 mins