Marcel Duchamp: Not Making

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Marcel Duchamp, maker and non-maker, is probably the most influential artist of the twentieth century. The intellectual and the sensual coexist in his work. 

Yet making sense of this body of work is no easy task. 

For every 'readymade' sculpture, selected but not made by the artist, there's a complex and intricate crafted object, put together over time. 

This second lecture discusses Marcel Duchamp as a non-maker. Taking the same sweep of history as the first lecture, this will look at objects not made by Duchamp, but presented as works of art. We will consider Duchamp's reimagining of what kind of a figure an artist might be, and how his ideas of art as an intellectual activity have retained their importance in the art of our time.
Event finished
Via Zoom®
Tue 20th Jul 2021
6:30pm BST
60 mins