Kent Design Masterclass: Design Coding using the NMDC: Landscape-led masterplanning and design coding

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Masterclass: Design Coding using the NMDC: Landscape-led Masterplanning and Design Coding

Taking a truly landscape-led approach to the masterplanning of new developments is more important than ever as we face the climate and biodiversity crises. The new Environment Bill strengthens the protection and improvement of our natural environment, in particular requiring development to prove Net Biodiversity Gain.

Featuring expert speakers, this Kent Design online Masterclass will explore the creation of landscape-led masterplanning and design codes, with a focus on achieving Net Biodiversity Gain.


  • Understand the key principles of landscape-led masterplanning
  • Recognise how design codes can ensure delivery of landscape elements
  • Understand Biodiversity Net Gain and how to leverage it to create high quality landscapes

Online Learning events are designed for public and private sector practitioners with limited or some knowledge and experience of the topic, and those who would like to refresh or build on their existing knowledge.

We will be joined by experts working in practice, who will share their experience.

Delivered by:

Simon Taber, Director, Ecology Solutions
Fionnuala Lennon, Head of Garden Communities, Homes England
Mark Fisk, Director of Landscape Architecture, LUC
Ross O'Ceallaigh, Programme Manager, Design South East

Key details:

Date: Tuesday 18th January 2022
Time: 9.30 - 12:00
Format: Interactive online via Zoom

We will be using Zoom as the online conferencing platform.  Prior to booking places please ensure you have a reliable internet connection and the latest version of Zoom. 

Booking details

Kent Design member organisations: 

This event is included in your annual membership package - check with your Key Contact, or email us for a members free booking code/booking link at: [email protected] 


There are a limited number of places available to non-members. The cost of individual places is £65+Vat pp, per ticket.

Once you have completed your ticket registration/purchase  will you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join the event on 18th January 2022.  You'll also receive an event reminder email 24hrs prior to the event, + 15mins before the event start time. The event organiser will provide additional information such as a digital programme, Zoom guidance, etc. 

We look forward to seeing you at this event!

The Kent Design team 

Image credit: Ecology Solutions

Event finished
Via Zoom®
Tue 18th Jan 2022
9:30am GMT
150 mins