MKAI Inclusive AI Forum: The ethics and imperative of digital nudging

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Forum Objective:

In this Inclusive MKAI Artificial Intelligence (AI) Forum we will discover the ethics and imperative of digital nudging in light of the 2021 IPCC climate change report

Forum Abstract:

In light of the 2021 IPCC report which states that humans have caused ‘unprecedented’ and ‘irreversible’ change to climate, MKAI asks if the time has come for the rapid deployment of digital nudging to save our planet and our species. “If we do not halt our emissions soon, our future climate could well become some kind of hell on Earth,” says Prof Tim Palmer at the University of Oxford. Nudges are a key tenet of behavioural economics, a field that combines psychology and economics to understand and direct the process by which people make decisions. When deployed successfully, nudges steer us to make different choices. Digital technologies including artificial intelligence and algorithms can boost the scale and speed of nudges, making them a powerful tool for change. Digital nudging is used effectively by corporations worldwide to promote new patterns of decision making into our unconscious mind that leads to more sales. MKAI seeks to discover whether governments or social good organisations can harness the power of digital nudging to steer humanity away from disaster.

Forum Learning Outcomes: 

Rapid action is required for the earth to avoid the full effects of a sixth mass extinction. Although Governments and corporations have a significant role in avoiding disaster, the role of citizens cannot be overlooked. Citizens are consumers, influencers, users and voters and hold enormous power when it comes to change. With 2020 being the hottest year on record, this forum will outline how effective digital nudging at scale could be to change consumer habits, beliefs and decisions.

Forum Attendance:

MKAI events are inclusive. Our expert speakers are carefully chosen for their ability to make the subject approachable and comprehensible. MKAI aims to help all people improve their AI-fluency and understanding of this domain. Everyone is welcome!

Forum Speakers and Contributors:

Forum Speakers and Contributors:

  • Kristina Podnar, Digital Policy Consultant
  • Andreas T. Schmidt, Associate Professor of Political Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Groningen
  • Vas Bhandarkar, CEO of ScoreData Corporation
  • Mareike Möhlmann, Assistant Professor Information and Process Management at Bentley University
  • Fabio Tollon, Doctoral Researcher in Philosophy at Bielefeld University
Event finished
Via Zoom® & in person
Thu 23rd Sep 2021
5:00pm BST
120 mins