Murder most florid
This is a FREE event with the option to make a donation if you wish to.
Plants too are silent witnesses to crimes. Their presence in many crime scenes can help an investigator identify a suspect or locate a victim. Forensic botanist Dr Mark Spencer will share how apparently mundane plants such as brambles and nettles can provide valuable insights into when a crime was committed or place a suspect at a scene. Plantlife's Dr Rachel Murphy will talk about other ways in which botanical records can be used for good.
This talk is being led by:
Dr Mark Spencer - Mark is an experienced and respected botanist. His expertise covers many disciplines including forensic botany, the plants of North-west Europe, invasive species and the history of botanical science. He also works globally as a seasoned writer, public speaker and television presenter. As a forensic botanist, Mark has worked on various missing person enquiries, murders and other serious crimes.
Dr Rachel Murphy - Rachel has been the volunteer manager for the National Plant Monitoring Scheme for 5 years. With over 10 years’ experience managing and engaging volunteers within monitoring schemes, Rachel is a keen advocate of citizen science and the huge value of both biological recording and volunteer contribution to research.
At the end of the talk there will be an opportunity to ask questions.
This talk will be recorded and a link to the recording will be sent to all those who register to attend the event.
This event is free of charge, but there is an option to make a donation if you wish to.
Many thanks
Plantlife Membership Team